
Showing posts from March, 2018

How To Protect Computer Folders and Files

How Can You Protect Computer Files and Folders From Someone Else Protect files and folders, Using this. Click here for demo video and subscribe my channel also Click here for download file How To Use : Click on " Folder  Locker " file, " Locker " folder appear automatically. Any files and folders you want to protect, Transfer to " Locker " folder. Again click on " Folder Locker ", press " Y " and " Enter" , Your file protected. For unprotect, Again click on " Folder Locker ", press " sachin4444 " and " Enter" , Your file unprotected. Note - Sometime antivirus software blocked this file to download or run , So, At the time of downloading, Off your antivirus , And after download, Start antivirus and give permission to run this file.